The much-anticipated drama-thriller The Sabarmati Report, starring Vikrant Massey, premiered in cinemas on November 15, 2024. Directed by Dheeraj Sarna, the film delves into the aftermath of the tragic Godhra Train Burning of 2002, examining the incident through the perspective of the media. The production, backed by Balaji Motion Pictures and Vikir Films Production, has garnered attention for its gripping narrative and stellar performances. Its OTT release is expected soon, with Zee5 likely to host the film in the coming weeks.
When and Where to Watch The Sabarmati Report
The film, distributed by Zee Studios, is anticipated to make its OTT debut on Zee5. Although an exact release date has not been announced, it is expected to stream between late December 2024 and early January 2025. This timeline aligns with the industry standard of releasing films on streaming platforms 4–8 weeks after their theatrical release. Viewers are encouraged to monitor Zee5's official announcements for further updates.
Official Trailer and Plot of The Sabarmati Report
The trailer of The Sabarmati Report offers a glimpse into its emotionally charged storyline. Inspired by the Godhra Train Burning, the film portrays the loss of 59 lives in the Sabarmati Express incident and its broader societal implications. The narrative is presented through the lens of investigative journalism, highlighting the challenges faced by reporters as they navigate themes of justice, courage and societal divide. The film aims to strike a balance between historical authenticity and compelling storytelling.
Cast and Crew of The Sabarmati Report
The film boasts a diverse cast, including Vikrant Massey in the lead role, alongside Raashii Khanna, Riddhi Dogra and Barkha Singh. Supporting roles are portrayed by Nazneen Patni, Hella Stichlmair and others. Directed by Dheeraj Sarna, the film benefits from the backing of production houses Balaji Motion Pictures and Vikir Films Production.
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