Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya's pre-wedding festivities have begun. The couple will marry on December 4 at Annapurna studios in Hyderabad. The bride-to-be shared some stunning shots from Raata sthaapana and Mangalasnaanam (Haldi ceremony) on her Instagram feed on Saturday. In the pictures, Sobhita and her family can be seen performing rituals. Clad in a yellow saree, Sobhita looks like a painting. The pictures garnered immense love from her friends and colleagues. Nimrat Kaur dropped a series of love emojis in the comments section. Fatima Sana Shaikh wrote, "Goddess." Dia Mirza wrote, "Sooo lovely." Vikrant Massey wrote, "Many congratulations." Sanya Malhotra dropped a series of emojis. Sanjana Sanghi wrote, "The specialest." Take a look:
Naga Chaitanya opened up about how he first met his wife-to-be and how their families have been bonding with each other over the last few months in an interview with Zoom a couple of days ago. Naga Chaitanya shared he first met Sobhita at a work event in Mumbai. "I was in Mumbai for the launch of my OTT show, during that time, she did have a show with the same platform as well. We first interacted at the event hosted by the OTT platform," he said.
Asked about how their families get along with each other in the last few months, Nagarjuna's son told Zoom, "It's been lovely getting to know Sobhita and her family the past few months, watching the families interact has been a joy. I am really looking forward to and excited for the wedding day, going through all the rituals and watching the families come together."
The bride-to-be posed with Naga Chaitanya and the Akkineni family for a grand photo-op at the ANR National Awards, held at Annapurna Studios a few days ago. In the group picture, Sobhita poses with Naga Chaitanya, his extended family, Chiranjeevi and Amitabh Bachchan. Sobhita wore a green saree and kept her tresses loose. Naga Chaitanya complemented her in a bandhgala. The pictures were shared by Annapurna Studios on its Instagram handle. The caption read, "The Akkineni Family with the legends - @amitabhbachchan Ji & @chiranjeevikonidela Garu at the #ANRNationalAward2024 ceremony." Take a look:
Naga Chaitanya was previously married to Samantha Ruth Prabhu. They got married in 2017 and announced their separation in a joint statement in October 2021.
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